I have been using Metrin Skincare for over 20 years. My friends over the years have always asked me “What is your secret”, and I have told them. Now they all use Metrin Skincare too. I have always had extremely sensitive skin and Metrin was a godsend. 

However, I have always had one huge issue that has bothered me my whole life. I have been plagued with constant, extreme, hair loss. I’m not bald by any means, but my already thin hair was constantly falling out at an alarming rate. 
I have tried absolutely everything. I am willing to spend anything on shampoo. I have tried all the top of the line shampoos over the years. I have tried all the salon shampoos, the clinical ones, some extremely expensive ones, I would be willing to pay anything if it would stop the hair loss. But none of them did. 
I tried changing my diet. I went gluten free. I even stopped using tap water to wash my hair! I started only using filtered, bottled water, and I tried to shampoo my hair as rarely as I could. But whenever I did, my hair would fall out so much in the shower, and even more after.
Eventually, I saw Metrin had started selling a shampoo. I thought, what do I have to lose? It’s far cheaper than the other shampoos I have tried, and they don’t work anyways! So I bought it.

And I will never, ever, go back.

 I know this sounds crazy. But as soon as I started using it, my hair completely stopped falling out. I only lose about one or two strands of hair every shower now, and zero, ZERO, when I brush my WET air after the shower! I can’t believe it. My hair is the healthiest it has ever been.  

I now shampoo my hair every day, and I don’t have to worry. The only thing I’m worried about is if this shampoo ever gets discontinued! If that ever happens, I will literally buy 1,000 bottles before it’s gone. 

People need to find this product!

They need to know! I know there must be other people out there like me, trying everything in their power, changing their diet, their water, spending hundreds- it’s not necessary!

This shampoo is the answer.

I won’t even let the salon touch my hair with anything else now, I always bring my Metrin shampoo with me.

I don’t know what you put in it, or maybe what you don’t put in it, but please, please don’t stop.

I want to thank Metrin. Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!

Metrin Skincare's Summer Hair Care Guide
Sky R., 63