
The Best Ways to Protect Yourself from the Sun this Summer  

Getting the right amount of sunlight has proven positive effects on our mood, making us less likely to be depressed, and it is vital in helping our body produce Vitamin D – one of the essential vitamins necessary for our good health.  But what is the best way to protect yourself from the sun this summer?
Did you know? The amount of sun’s UV rays that reaches the earth varies depending on your location. Northern and southern hemisphere locations away from the equator receive less UV rays.    

But what are the best ways to protect your skin while being exposed to the sun?   
There are many things you can do to safely enjoy the warmth and sunshine of the summer months.

Here are some of our tips for sun protection:  

1. Avoid the sun at its hottest  

Plan to go outside in the early morning or late afternoon. Try to stay in the shade between 11 am and 2 pm, when the sun is at its strongest.  

2. Choose the right sunscreen  

When you know you will have prolonged sunlight exposure, you should always wear sunscreen on your face – even when not going to the beach. Buy sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 but be careful because SPF only accounts for protection against UVB rays. As well as checking the SPF factor, make sure to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that offers UV protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Where possible, choose coral and environmentally friendly mineral based (titanium and zinc oxide) sunscreens.  

3. Wear the right clothes  

Sunscreen will only go so far. Clothing is the most effective form of sun protection, so you should cover up as much as possible when you are out in the sun. Prefer dark or bright colors since they absorb more UV rays than whites or pastels and can offer you more protection from the sun. A wide-brimmed hat will help to prevent sun damage to your face, neck, and ears. Sunglasses are needed to protect your eyes from UV rays, and they can also keep you from getting wrinkles because of squinting in the sun.  

4. Keep Hydrated  

When you are in the sun, you get hot, when you get hot you sweat, and this is going to lead to dehydration. Always have enough water with you. If you are out all day, bring a few bottles or one that you can refill when you need to.  

How to protect your skin after spending a day in the sun  

Sometimes, even when you are extremely careful with applying your sunscreen, avoiding the sun during peak times, etc. you still get burnt! Your skin may feel hot, irritated, or dry which can be extremely uncomfortable and frustrating! Fear not! We have some top tips on how to treat your sun burn and heal your irritated skin:

Firstly, after a day in the sun, cleanse your skin to remove environmental dirt (and any air borne pollutants) and excess sebum from the surface of your skin, preferably using the gentle yet thorough double cleanse method for your face. Our skin’s natural sebum contains protective and antioxidant Vitamin E which moisturizes and helps the skin recover from the effects of the sun, but they oxidize overtime.  
After cleansing, you should restore moisture directly to your skin by applying an after-sun like lotion. Natural ingredients to look for when trying to soothe the skin include aloe vera and High-oleic, cold-pressed organic sunflower seed oil. Both include anti-inflammatory properties and fatty acids that improve skin moisture retention and elasticity. The best after sun moisturizer combines essential fatty acids such as Omega 3,6 & 12 along with these with Vitamins: A, B, C and E to nourish, hydrate and repair the skin. High-oleic, cold-pressed organic sunflower seed oil also protects and nourishes dry, flaky skin while helping the skin absorb nutrients, and protect against infections! Aloe vera is known for its healing and antibacterial properties! It is soothing and cooling on the skin and can help bring down any sunburn or heat rashes.   

High- oleic, cold-pressed organic sunflower seed oil and aloe vera are the main ingredients in the Metrin Skincare System, particularly in the #4 Protective Lotion and the #5 Enriched Vita Conditioner! Applying these products to any sun burned/irritated skin can instantly cool and calm the skin! It can also (help) reduce the skin from becoming scarred (sunspots)   

Dangers of the Sun   

For our skin, however, sun exposure can spell disaster without the proper precautions. The sun’s UV rays are a type of radiation that can change your skin’s DNA. This can lead to genetic mutations that cause skin cancer. UVA rays also play a key role in premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. When the skin is damaged by exposure to UV rays, its framework becomes weakened, causing it to loosen and sag. This problem is even more prevalent in people with fair skin because their skin has less of the pigment melanin, which is the body’s natural protection against UV rays. But do not assume you are safe just because your skin tans easily: all skin tones are susceptible to sun damage and to developing skin cancer.  

Have fun and stay beautiful!  

Sun-kissed skin is beautiful. You can have that healthy look without harming your skin if you keep in mind the suggestions above. Grab your sunscreen, your hat and go out to enjoy the sun!  


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