How to Care for Combination Skin using  Metrin
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How to Care for Combination Skin using Metrin

Many Metrin Skincare users have combination skin. A person with combination skin – the most common skin type – experiences characteristics of both oily and dry skin. Usually, the skin across the forehead and down the nose and chin (the T-zone) will be oily, and the cheeks may be dry and tight. The location of…

Get to the Source of Your Sensitive Skin
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Get to the Source of Your Sensitive Skin

What defines sensitive skin? Go into any drugstore and you’ll see shelves full of products specially formulated for sensitive skin. But what exactly defines sensitive skin? And what can be done to treat it? The truth is, the definition of sensitive skin depends on who you ask. Typically, it’s when your skin becomes irritated, itchy,…

Is your skin care working?
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Is your skin care working?

Is Your Skin Care Working? Is your skin care working? Are you really seeing the results you hoped for? If not, you’re likely making a common, yet detrimental, skin care mistake. When it comes to a top-notch skin care routine it takes many elements working together – and just three basic functions – to bring…

3 Reasons Why You Should Use Fragrance-Free Skin Care
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3 Reasons Why You Should Use Fragrance-Free Skin Care

Here are the 3 reasons why you should use fragrance-free skin care: 1. Fragrances cause irritation, and can have long-term effects Most scented skin care products have been proven to cause skin irritation, breakouts, redness, and other harmful impacts over time. And believe it or not, fragrance irritation doesn’t only affect those with sensitive skin…

5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin During Fall and Winter
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5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin During Fall and Winter

Learn how to combat dry skin this fall and winter. For many people, winter weather brings more than just the prospect of the holidays. Colder temperatures and low humidity levels result in dry air resulting in flaky, chapped, and irritated skin. While switching to a good moisturizer at the first sign of winter is a…

How to Accelerate Your Skin’s Renewal
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How to Accelerate Your Skin’s Renewal

When our skin’s renewal process slows down, wrinkles become more visible, skin can feel drier, and dullness can set it. It can even cause increased incidents of breakouts. A daily skin care regimen like the Metrin Skincare System definitely helps reduce the signs of aging, but as we go through the changes in our lives, increased stress,…

Skin Care Allergies and Contact Dermatitis
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Skin Care Allergies and Contact Dermatitis

One of the biggest concerns surrounding beauty products, especially those who suffer from sensitive skin, are skin care allergies and irritation to certain products and their ingredients. With any allergic or inflammatory response, it’s usually caused by ingredients within products that are left on the skin. There are two types of skin inflammation known contact…

Why Skin Care Sometimes Causes Irritation
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Why Skin Care Sometimes Causes Irritation

We use skin care products to make our skin better and treat common issues like dryness or aging. So why do new skin care products or routines sometimes initially cause irritation, redness, or flakiness? The answer depends on your particular skin and what it’s accustomed to in terms of product usage and its condition before any…

Finding the Right Moisturizer for Your Skin
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Finding the Right Moisturizer for Your Skin

No matter what type of skin you have, experts recommend the use of a daily moisturizer to help your skin remain youthful, elastic, and effectively hydrated. This blog will help you find the right moisturizer for your skin. Whether you have naturally oily, combination, or dry skin, moisture and hydration are essential to keeping it healthy….