How to Get Better Skin Care Advice
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How to Get Better Skin Care Advice

It’s very important before making any skin care decisions to do your research, get informed, and seek sound advice. Sometimes, that can be easier said than done with so much (sometimes conflicting) information out there, but make sure to empower yourself through facts, science, and evidence. But how do you know who to trust? Like any…

Skin Care Differences Between Men and Women
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Skin Care Differences Between Men and Women

For many men, skin care is an after thought at best, and it usually comes down to using whatever facial moisturizer their partner or housemate has on hand when they are experiencing dryness or discomfort. While this may be an okay short-term solution, the skin differences between men and women mean that men’s skin care…

Tanning, Sun Exposure, and Celebrity Skin Care Regrets
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Tanning, Sun Exposure, and Celebrity Skin Care Regrets

The fallacy of youth is believing you’re going to be young and healthy forever. Self-care, being healthier every day, and things like daily skin care become more and more important as one gets older, more aware of mortality, and generally wiser. However, starting younger and sooner when it comes taking care of yourself and curbing…

How Menopause Changes the Skin
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How Menopause Changes the Skin

Menopause is a natural but complex process women experience sometime in their lives. It affects the whole body, both internally and externally, and can have a big impact on the skin. Learn how menopause changes the skin in this blog post. Hormonal changes that happen before during and after menopause change the skin’s physiology in…

What You Should Know About Milia (or Milium Cysts)
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What You Should Know About Milia (or Milium Cysts)

Sometimes incorrectly referred to as “baby acne”, milia or milium (singular) are small, white bumps/cysts grouped together usually appearing on the nose, cheeks, chin, and most prevalent in newborn babies. Milia usually develops when skin flakes or keratain become trapped under the surface of the skin. Keratin is a strong protein that is typically found in skin…

What Causes Oily, Greasy Skin
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What Causes Oily, Greasy Skin

We like to emphasize how important your daily habits are and how they can impact your skin’s overall health. Many people suffer from oily or greasy skin for various reasons. Oily skin is caused by excess production of the skin’s natural oils known as sebum. These occurrences of excess oil are often genetic traits but can…

What Should Your Skin Care Expectations Be?
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What Should Your Skin Care Expectations Be?

All skin is created equal and a good skin care routine should enhance your skin’s appearance and its overall health. This is accomplished through each product complementing and building on the effects of  the other while working with the skin’s natural functions. That is how a great skin care routine should work to help your skin…

When to Quit Your Skin Care Routine
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When to Quit Your Skin Care Routine

As you know, a daily skin routine is a great way ensure your skin’s natural, everyday, overall health – provided it works, that is. Not all skin care routines or their products are created equal. All the necessary cleansing, nourishing, and protecting steps – not just about protection against excess sun exposure – should be present in…

Get Rid of Those Dark, Puffy Circles Under Your Eyes
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Get Rid of Those Dark, Puffy Circles Under Your Eyes

Those unattractive dark circles and puffy eyes can happen for many different reasons everything to genetics to allergies, stress, or fatigue. Despite over-hyped “color-correcting” creams, eye rollers, or night serum treatments that promise to cure tired-looking eyes, they typically do so superficially by masking the appearance of the dark, puffy circles. The hard truth is…