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Angel Dusting: Paying for Trace Skin Care Ingredients?

Angel Dusting is Simply Robbing
You of Hard-Earned Money.
And We’re Sick of it.


Know what feels foolish? Getting all hyped up, dropping a wad of cash on some fancy new skin cream (again), only to end up feeling the same way you did to start with: “nothing works, because I still have problem skin”. Back to square one.

Here’s the thing – you picked up that jar because marketing told you to. Marketing made claims about the product’s special ingredient and made you hope for a miracle.

Even if that special ingredient does have wonderful skin care benefits, additional factors come into play – does it work in this specific product formulation? Does it complement or detract from your existing skin care routine and the other products you use?

And, perhaps most important of all, what’s the dosage? Assuming that an ingredient really does provide wonderful skin care benefits and that a product is formulated in a way to deliver that ingredient effectively to your skin, the BIG question remains “is this stuff potent enough to actually perform as advertised?”

In way too many cases, that’s an emphatic NO – and skimping on the good stuff is so common a practice the industry’s got a nickname for it: ‘angel dusting’.

What is angel dusting?

Don't fall prey to angel dusting

Skin care products are required to list their ingredients clearly on their labels. Just like foods, the closer to the beginning of the list an item is, the greater the amount in the mix.

For example, in our lotions high-oleic sunflower oil (extremely rich in nutrients with strong protective properties that can even help prevent skin infections, according to the WHO, and makes an excellent delivery vehicle for other ingredients like vitamins) is second from the top. That means it’s present in large quantities, not some trace amount that’s just enough to legally slap the words on the label – which is what’s happening when you see it way down near the bottom.

Angel dusting is the practice of doing the latter; adding trace amounts of key ingredients in quantities too small to provide effective skincare properties.  And that’s why it’s not your fault if your skin care system isn’t working: because it’s often formulated with labels – not with your skin – in mind.


Take a good look at the label (not the carefully-worded promises, but the list of ingredients) to see what’s up. Even if you purchased a skin care product specifically for its ingredients, if it didn’t work for you you’re probably yet another victim of angel dusting. Your skin simply can’t get a high enough concentration of key ingredients to make a difference, whatever beneficial properties they may have.

It’s kind of like buying a “green” smoothie full of delicious, nutritious vegetables and getting a glass of apple juice with a few specks of kale in it; – not the healthy, nutritious beverage you wanted.


This obviously leads to trouble. You see these amazing promises about a product including an exotic-sounding ingredient and think “wow! ‘Wrinkle relaxer’, that’s exactly what I need to, um, relax my wrinkles! And it’s got that magical new superfood from the darkest depths of the Amazon… it must be amazing!”

And now you know: it usually isn’t, and often doesn’t work as promised. That’s why you end up trying buying new skin care products to replace the old ones.


So how do you protect yourself (and your skin)?


You need to ask questions, expect straightforward answers and demand results. Simple as that – and if you don’t get them, please go get your money back. You deserve it.

The best skincare ProTip we can give you: do not rely on a single ingredient to provide the results you’re looking for. You wouldn’t eat nothing but kale and expect complete nutrition, so don’t do the skincare equivalent.

Proper skin care always involves a complete system, one that stimulates and enhances your body’s natural regenerative healing processes in a variety of ways to create a sum much greater than its parts.

Don’t listen to the Angel of Dust – no good will come from falling victim to his trace-ingredient ways. Instead, contact a skincare company directly to get straight answers to difficult questions and determine the best course of action to renew, refresh, and preserve your skin’s natural youthful glow.


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