How to Even Out Skin Tone and Texture
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How to Even Out Skin Tone and Texture

How to Even Out Skin Tone and Texture Surface results need deep treatment   Uneven skin tone means out-of-balance systems – your body’s telling you it’s getting too much of one thing or not enough of another. The actual issues can vary widely, from sun exposure or dehydration to nutrient deficiencies or poor exfoliation… but:…

Getting Rid of Large Pores and Blackheads
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Getting Rid of Large Pores and Blackheads

Large Pores and Blackheads and how to get rid of the little buggers   Large pores and blackheads can take a toll on your confidence. Although they’re perfectly natural (and happen to just about everybody), these things have stigma attached to these them. Happily, they can be pretty easy to clear up because their root…

What Causes Aging Skin (and what you can do about it)
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What Causes Aging Skin (and what you can do about it)

Aging skin affects us all (whether we like it or not) but you can fight back. Here’s a question for you: if your skin’s in a constant state of renewal, why should age affect it at all? If you’re exfoliating (getting rid of old, dead skin cells) properly, then the fresh new skin beneath should always shine…

Finding Balance: Treating Dry or Oily Skin
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Finding Balance: Treating Dry or Oily Skin

Your skin wants to feel just right – it wants to balance oil production and moisture retention to prevent too much or little of either. Modern life mounts an all-out assault on its ability to balance itself, though, so if you’re struggling to maintain it we’ve got good news for you: It’s not your fault……

From Prehistory to Present: a Sunflower Story!

From Prehistory to Present: a Sunflower Story!

The story of the sunflower (and its continent-hopping domestication) Sunflowers have been an important crop for a long time. This story goes back at least 5,000 years to Native American cultures. Some archaeologists believe the plant was among the first crops domesticated by humans- even before corn. Why would ancient peoples cultivate a simple flower…

Argh… mild acne. And skin breakouts! Pimples!
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Argh… mild acne. And skin breakouts! Pimples!

Mild acne is the scourge of skin everywhere (but don’t worry, we have tips on how to clear acne) These little characters need no introduction. Almost everyone has, at some point, been stricken with these blemishes (and why is it always on Date Night? Come on, skin). You know the stuff: red bumps, white/blackheads, scaly…