What Causes Healthy, Glowing Skin?
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What Causes Healthy, Glowing Skin?

People sometimes say beauty comes from within, and in a way, it does. Those who are considered beautiful are often described as having a radiant or glowing appearance. We often focus on certain superficial qualities such as symmetrical features, smooth skin, and nice hair. These desirable things can often come from within. After all, pregnant…

Is Skin Care Safe for Babies?
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Is Skin Care Safe for Babies?

Babies are more sensitive to many different health concerns that also affect older children and adults such as baby eczema or simply dry skin. Adult solutions like skin care or other remedies can be effective but it’s important to consider extra sensitivities for the little ones. Any kind of harsh weather can negatively affect your…

5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin During Fall and Winter
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5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin During Fall and Winter

Learn how to combat dry skin this fall and winter. For many people, winter weather brings more than just the prospect of the holidays. Colder temperatures and low humidity levels result in dry air resulting in flaky, chapped, and irritated skin. While switching to a good moisturizer at the first sign of winter is a…

How to Get Better Skin Care Advice
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How to Get Better Skin Care Advice

It’s very important before making any skin care decisions to do your research, get informed, and seek sound advice. Sometimes, that can be easier said than done with so much (sometimes conflicting) information out there, but make sure to empower yourself through facts, science, and evidence. But how do you know who to trust? Like any…

What Causes Dry Skin and How to Treat It
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What Causes Dry Skin and How to Treat It

Dry skin is not only an unwanted cosmetic concern, but it can also accompanied by some uncomfortable physical symptoms. When skin lacks its necessary natural oils, it may become tight, itchy, flaky, dull in appearance, and predisposed to wrinkles and fine lines. These symptoms occur when there’s not enough natural oils or when the skin’s barrier function…

Tanning, Sun Exposure, and Celebrity Skin Care Regrets
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Tanning, Sun Exposure, and Celebrity Skin Care Regrets

The fallacy of youth is believing you’re going to be young and healthy forever. Self-care, being healthier every day, and things like daily skin care become more and more important as one gets older, more aware of mortality, and generally wiser. However, starting younger and sooner when it comes taking care of yourself and curbing…

Why Skin Care Shouldn’t Be That Complicated
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Why Skin Care Shouldn’t Be That Complicated

According to a recent survey cited by The Telegraph, 87% of women are confused by what skin care products they should be using. “It’s no surprise considering the rise of lotions, essences and splash masks.” Unfortunately, this is a common problem in the beauty and skin care industries. Metrin Skincare believe skin care shouldn’t be…

Why Your Skin Care Should Include Free Consultations
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Why Your Skin Care Should Include Free Consultations

All skin is created equal. It’s design and functions are the same for everyone. However, outside factors and circumstances such as aging, other conditions such as environment and medication for example, and overall health can cause changes in your skin. Many retailers and skin care brands offer free consultations to help you assess and address…